

Allen Jircik: Director

Allen has been doing trail work for over a decade. His first project in the Methow was in the summer of 2018 to rebuild the climber’s approach trail to Liberty Bell Mountain, and he has been building and maintaining trails in the Methow every summer since. He started with the Trails Collaborative in 2022 and enjoys working with the broad coalition the collaborative represents. When not on the trials he enjoys climbing in the summer and backcountry skiing at Washington Pass.


Nick Fedele: Trails Program Coordinator

Nick has joined the Trails Collaborative staff after several seasons working for the Forest Service Trails Program. He has worked in Darrington, Leavenworth, and three seasons on the Methow Valley Ranger District’s trails crew. He is an ace with a saw and a trained timber framer. He is handling many of the Trails Collaborative’s field projects this summer. When he’s not improving trails, you can find him blissed out hand hewing a log for personal projects.


Board of Directors

Jullie Muyllaert: Board President

Cathy Upper: Secretary—Methow Valley Backcountry Horsemen

Bill Davis: Treasurer—Methow Valley Snowmobile Association

Bob Sutherland—Mountain Trails Grooming Association

Joe Brown—Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance Methow Chapter

James DeSalvo—Methow Trails

Julie Grialou—Methow Conservancy

Ben Nelson—Rendezvous Huts